The big fuss

The big fuss

April 8th 2019

I wonder if you ever stepped on grass,
and not think twice, over the burnt brass.
I wonder if the metal clashed each other,
and not be heard, to the harbinger.
I wonder if the earth took it's last breadth,
and not be welcomed in, by the death.
I wonder if the builder will ever destroy merrily,
the very thing, that he built so dearly.

I wonder if there ever was a God,
to whom you, would actually nod.
I wonder if instant gratification really pays,
or have you been praying to anyone, who openly says.
I wonder if in this life or the next,
your wishes come true, through my text.
I wonder if I really have known what you want,
or would you rather have me try, a different font.

I wonder what to believe in and not be seen,
for there can be only one right answer, to come clean.
I wonder if you will forgive me for all that I have been,
or would you have me burnt down, through the pain of my sin.
I wonder what might have made you say those words,
maybe someday even the trees will ask, for the birds.
I wonder if our deaths will be as meaningless,
as was the lives we lived, nothing but a big mess.

For if you have ever wondered about any of these,
come let's find the answers, with a slice of cheese.
Maybe together we can fulfil each other's desires,
and let the false world, keep calling us liars.
For you would know me and I would know you,
sitting on top of the mountain, enjoying the heavenly view.
There they go again fighting and squabbling like us,
Wouldn't they too take forever, to know what was all the big fuss.

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